International Union Scholarships > International Union Scholarships - Info


  • Young scientists are graduate students, post-graduate students or post-doctoral fellows with a maximum age of 30 (exceptionally 35). Participants outside this age group may be considered Early Career scientists and are eligible to receive awards provided they are graduate students, post-graduate students, post-doctoral fellows or within five (5) years of receiving a graduate degree.

  • Preference should be given to those young and early career scientists who have published in IUCr journals and to young and early career scientists from developing countries, particularly, but not limited to, from Latin America, Africa and South East Asia.

  • For meetings of a more general nature preference should be given to young and early career scientists with a crystallographic background.

  • A report on their participation will be provided by each participant who will benefit of the  IUCr bursary (500$)

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